Psychobilly Nerd: Koffin Kats “Party Time In The End Times”

“The Koffin Kats are incapable of making a bad album” I said that in last month’s edition of Psychobilly Nerd HERE. They were one of the first psychobilly acts that I got into. Even when I’m not feeling like listening to any psycho music at all. I can put some Kats on and I’m totally into it. These guys know how to rock. And in their 13th year of existence they show no signs of slowing down (oh god that is so cliché to say but it is true…I really sound like one of those writers for Alternative Press that just types out their ass and say that in every review but like I said, its true!). Lord knows we were all wanting a new release after 3 years or so. These guys were squirting out an album a year at one point. But everyone needs a rest (this is only my second post in a month).

So I was a little wrong on the band going back to how they sounded at the beginning on their reign.There are moments where old KK pops its head out for a little bit. Though “Witch in the Woods” would fit perfectly in their first two albums. This is KK continuing what they do. Their first albums were straight up psychobilly, murder, spooky stuff. They later tweeked the lyrical content to drinking and songs about the road and life. And “Born of the Motor” is sonically stripper music (I seem to be the only who thinks this). With that said, this album sounds great. Fast drumming. Genius guitar playing. And Zac’s vocals have never sounded better (thats not kissing ass, I’m being completely honest). Also I love how this album was mixed. Sounds more clear and loud than most signed bands. That is what I want in albums. I want them loud and this delivers.

“Until The Sun Explodes” could make for a fairly violent pit. “Pigs in the grove” sounds like I should already be singing along to it. “A Path to Wickedness” would make a wrecking pit that I would be scared to go near.”Nasty Weather” could fit into any KK record perfectly. The guitar on “No Free Rides” will have me doing weird hand gestures for a while. The album is currently available at Koffin Kats Rock.I must say I heavily recommend this record. The psychobilly gods up there have made up for the incredible disappointment that was Tiger Army’s recent release. Also on another note. The band was gracious enough to offer to send me an advance copy of the album to review (that how a lot of blogs and sites work). Joke is on them, I had already pre ordered it. I’m a fan and I encourage everyone who loves horror punk, psychobilly, or just like to get your face rocked off to pick this up.

Agree with me? Leave a comment. Want me to check out your band? Head to the contacts area at the top of the page. While you are here, go LIKE the official Rockabilly Nerd Facebook page HERE.

And as always, please sto talking about your car!


Ten of the Best Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys songs.

“I’m so rockabilly I saw Big Sandy, but everyone has seen Big Sandy”. That was on a list of  a really funny “I’m so rockabilly” quotes list I found online years ago. I remember wondering who the hell Big Sandy was. I was just starting and was into the “revved up” rockabilly . I was a newbie. A few weeks after reading this I went to see Reverend Horton Heat at the House of Blues in Anaheim. Jim Heath was talking on stage and pointed to a gentleman in the crowd and said something along the lines of I knew you’d be here. I asked the lady I was with if that was Big Sandy. She knew I was oblivious to him and was shocked that I asked that. She said “yeah, how did you know that?”. I told her “He just looks like that would be Big Sandy”. Now that I got that story out-of-the-way, I obviously discovered the band’s music. Seen them live (guitar player Ashley is one of the few people who can tell I have a southern accent)(Ricky McCann plays drums currently and he is the John Freese of rockabilly!). With that said, without making this opening paragraph too long I’m going to give praise to one of today’s most influential rockin acts  by posting a list of what I believe are the 10 best songs by Robert Williams and his band.

Chalk it up to the blues

Reminds me of early Elvis recordings. Not quite Sun records but more like what came out from Elvis’s RCA debut. Though (I might catch hell for this) this is a better written song than anything on that album.

I Hate Loving You

Song so good I wish I could have a time machine to have someone cover this. But you question if anyone could do it justice other than these guys. On a side note, “It’s Time” is in my top 5 greatest albums of all time.

Losers Blue

“I lost my appetite and that’s big news”. One genius line after another. And one of the best steel guitar solos ever.

Tequila Calling

This is so classy it makes me forget all the terrible stuff that happened the last time I drank tequila.

Money Tree


Sung mostly by Jeff West, this is a bit of change for the band. Such a beautiful sounding tune. It is also my girlfriend’s favorite song by the band.

Oochie Coochie

I’m being bad, this doesn’t include the Fly Rite Boys. But I love this more rockin r&b-ish style. It’s just a fun song.

Fine Fine Superfine

I’m not sure if I love this song because its brand new and we’ve been waiting for something new from the guys. Or because it’s geniunely a good song and one of the best written tunes to come out in the last year by anyone.

Different Girl

I went on a road trip recently and had “Jumping From 6 to 6” playing and when this song popped up, I thought to myself “I should make a list of Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boy’s songs!”. So that was the inspiration for this. Its a great song to play for an ex after a break up.

Missouri Gal

One of the earlier songs I’m covering here. Also from when it was the Fly Rite trio! Which isn’t that far from what the band is today. Only 3 guys on stage now a days with Mr Williams. Great guitar and it makes up for the fact that I don’t think I’ve met too many great gals from the state of Missouri.

What a dream its been (rerecorded version)

Off the album of the same name, the guys went into the studio and rerecorded classic song by the group in different styles. This one is my favorite, featuring guest vocals by Grey DeLisle. I’ve used this song in a farewell video I did before leaving my last job. And plan on having this played at my funeral (sorry…too morbid?)

That was my Ten list. Any song belonged in here? Of course, I could have easily made this a 30 song list. Hell, I could easily make a list consisting of just songs from “Its Time” (why in the hell did I not include “Heaven is the other way”!!!!). But feel free to include songs you like in the comments that wasn’t here. While you’re at it go LIKE the Official Rockabilly Nerd page HERE.

And as always, please stop talking about your hair.